Research ethics

All doctoral students at Lund University must complete a course in research ethics comprising 3 credits. The purpose of the course is to give you knowledge about research ethics and good research practice as well as what rules apply. The knowledge is relevant both for the doctoral education and for a continued research career.
The content of the course meets both university-wide and subject-specific issues, so it is partly adapted to the university's different areas. The course has been developed by the Department of Medical Ethics at the Faculty of Medicine, in collaboration with each faculty. At LTH, the course Research Ethics (GEM090F) is given, which is compulsory for all doctoral students who have been admitted to postgraduate studies at LTH since 1 January 2021.
The course includes:
- basic normative ethics
- risks and impact on research actors
- privacy and personal data
- data management
- informed consent
- ethical review
- good research practice
- publishing ethics
- ethically relevant legislation
Read more about the content of the syllabus on CEE's website.
Faculty-wide PhD courses (CEE's website)
Research ethics | Lunds university
Collected information on research ethics can be found on Lund University's website. There you can, among other things, read more about ethical review and deviation from good research practice.
Research ethics and animal testing ethics (Staff pages LU)
Personal data processing GDPR
Research often deals with data that in one way or another can be linked to people now living. Rules for such processing are found in the Data Protection Ordinance.
If the processing concerns sensitive personal data, the research must also undergo ethical review.
Processing of personal data (Lund University's website)
Collaboration between doctoral student and graduate student
At LTH there are guidelines for how thesis work can be carried out and supervised within the framework of doctoral thesis work (see below). The aim is to facilitate this type of collaboration by clarifying how misleading plagiarism, self-plagiarism or double publication can be avoided.