International opportunities

The internationalization within LTH means that there are many researchers and doctoral students from other countries who are active at, or visiting the faculty. In the same way, there are different opportunities for you to gain international experience in your own education. This can be about collaborations with foreign researchers or within international networks, but it can also be about, for example, reading a course, making a study visit, working on the dissertation, attending an international conference, holding a seminar or visiting a research group.
There are various opportunities to apply for funding for international activities. The role of the main supervisor includes being a support when it comes to applying for funding within your education. For doctoral students with studentships, it is therefore possible to apply for funding in both roles (as a student or an employee) depending on the purpose. Below is information on various forms of funding opportunities.
International opportunities and partnerships at Lund University
You who work at Lund University have the opportunity to use the university's many established networks and contacts to develop new international collaborations.
International opportunities and partnerships (Staff pages LU)
International opportunities for Doctoral students at LU (Canvas)
Funding mobility
Doctoral students at LU have the opportunity to fund mobility through, for example, Erasmus + Staff Training, Erasmus + travel grants, EURAXESS and more.
Funding mobility (Staff pages LU)
Travel and research grants
Those who study or conduct research at Lund University can apply for grants or scholarships from most of the almost 700 foundations that are administered by Endowment Administration.
Double degree
Educational collaborations towards a double degree are normally made between LTH and a foreign university. The double degree is therefore an opportunity to gain international experience and network through their doctoral education, at the same time as it is an important part of the internationalization of doctoral education at LTH. Before a double degree collaboration begins, an agreement needs to be drawn up. In connection with this, it needs to be ensured that national and local rules at each higher education institution can be applied within the collaboration so that the education can lead to a degree at each higher education institution.
Check out the course "International mobility - why is this important for your career and how do you proceed?" on the Professional Development Portal (Kompetensportalen) at Lund University.