Information for new doctoral students

Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering, LTH and our PhD programme!
Your decision to begin your PhD studies at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University will open doors to exciting new challenges both as a PhD student and towards your future career.
Within the scope of the PhD programme at LTH, you will gain both specialized and broad knowledge within your area of research. During your studies, you will also be given the opportunity to work with projects, develop your teaching expertise and leadership skills.
We hope that you will find your studies both challenging and rewarding.
Your research studies will result in a licentiate degree or a PhD degree.
Welcome to LTH!
All PhD students at LTH must be admitted to a PhD programme before they arrive at LTH. Through admission as a PhD student, you are entitled to supervision and access to the resources available at your department. You are automatically insured on LTH premises during work hours.
- Information on terms and conditions, working hours, annual leave, and salaries and salary increases for PhD students
- Additional information for PhD students - on Lund University's international website
- Additional information about doctoral studies - on Lund University's Staff Pages
The most common way of financing research studies is through a doctoral studentship. As a PhD student you will then be employed by your department at LTH, and be entitled to the same benefits as all other University employees.
More about employment on LTHin (log in required)
Admitted but not employed at LTH
Your research studies at LTH can also be financed in other ways:
- You could have personally received an externally funded scholarship. However, for admission, the scholarship must meet a required minimum amount.
- You could be externally employed at a company, or at another university.
If you have been admitted to a PhD course or programme at Lund University, you must apply for and be granted a residence permit before entering Sweden.
If you intend to continue your research studies after your residence permit has expired, you must apply for an extension well in advance – about six months before your current permit expires. You are personally responsible for making sure that the Swedish Migration Board (Migrationsverket) receives your application. If you fail to apply for an extension on time, you will no longer have the right to live and study in Sweden, and will have to leave the country.
However, once you have submitted an application for an extension, you have the right to stay in Sweden until the Migration Board has made its decision.
If you travel abroad before you have received your new residence permit, you may have problems re-entering the country, and might have to wait for your new permit outside of Sweden.
Your supervisor, head of department and the director of research studies at your department can provide you with help and support. If you need support from someone else, please contact the Occupational Health Service at Lund University, or the doctoral student ombudsman.
Please note that all visits to the Occupational Health Service are free of charge and confidential, and do not require consent from your line manager/supervisor. All admitted PhD students are welcome to contact the Occupational Health Service if needed.
There are a number of different PhD courses available to you. Information about courses that must or can be included in your degree can be found in the general syllabus for each subject, as well as in your individual study plan.
Introduction course
LTH offers a highly appreciated and popular introduction course for newly admitted PhD students (2 credits). The course will help to give you a good start to your research studies.
General Syllabus
For every research studies subject, there is a general syllabus containing a brief description of the subject and its aims and objectives. Take your time to review this syllabus as it contains important information.
Individual study plan
All PhD students must keep an up-to-date individual study plan. This plan must be followed up and revised at least once a year. There will be study plan meetings in which you, your supervisors and department representatives discuss your study progress, supervision and possible departmental duties, as well as your physical and social working environment.
Information about general syllabus and the individual study plan
Teknologkåren is the students’ union at LTH. The section for PhD students of the LTH students’ union works to improve the quality of PhD education. It also organizes social activities for PhD students.
For emergencies always call (0)112
- If you need to contact security, dial (internal extension) 20 700 or +46 46 222 07 00
- In case of emergency on LTHin (login required)
- In case of emergency on Lund University Staff pages
This is a guide for those who are pursuing a doctoral degree (PhD), in Sweden, as well as for those who are considering such a degree.
Sweden's United Student Unions (SFS)
Sweden’s United Student Unions (Sveriges Förenade Studentkårer, SFS) is an association of student unions at Swedish universities and colleges.