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Registration and review

Registration of the public defence (supervisor)

Registration of the public defence is made by the supervisor no later than 12 weeks before the date of the public defence. Please note that these 12 weeks must fall between August 15 and the Friday before Midsummer's Eve.

The composition of the examining committee in the registration

The examining committee can consist of 3 or 5 members. At least one of the voting members of the examining committee must have their occupation outside Lund University. At least one deputy member must be appointed in the event of any member having an unexpected impediment. The composition must also then meet the specified requirements (se guidelines below) if an ordinary member is replaced. An even gender distribution should be sought. Supervisors may not be part of the examining committee.

  1. Go to and log in with LUCAT-id (leave out
  2. Fill in the social security number (personnummer), name or LUCAT-id of the doctoral student and click "next".
  3. Fill in the registration about the defence (you don’t have to complete it at once, you can save and complete it later). Request for any digital features can be made in the registration or, alternatively, at a later stage by sending an e-mail to The registration about the defence must include the following attachments:

    • Thesis (including articles if it's a compilation thesis)

    • The opponent's, deputy member's and members of the committees brief CV*,

    • Popular summary,

    • Authors contributions to the papers,

    • The signed minutes from the preparatory meeting, and

    • The latest version of Individual study plan and a statement of the final review.

  4. When completed, click on "Applicate and mail". You will then return to the list with upcoming defences. In the row with current errands, click on the triangle to access the PDF version of the form, which is available for printing. 
  5. Send in the signed form to the administration office, LTH Kansli, Public defence, Internal mailing (HS) code 55. By doing so, the registration is locked and a confirmation is sent to the administration office. If you want to make any further changes, you have to contact the administration office.

* The CV must comprise a maximum of two pages and contain the following: dissertation year, current academic title, current affiliation, supervisor experience and any bibliometric overview.

Contact a coordinator if you want to make changes to the submitted registration.

Contact a coordinator

The thesis that is to be uploaded in connection with the submission of the public defence is a preliminary version of the thesis and should contain a relatively detailed table of contents where also incomplete parts are noted. If it is a compilation thesis, the summary of the thesis ("kappa") and its included articles must be in one single file and at least in manuscript form. The status of the articles must be reported; published, accepted, under review, under language review or when it is expected to be completed.

If essential parts of the thesis have not been completed, the doctoral student and the supervisor must declare that they find it reasonable that it will be completed on time.

  • Template for evaluation meeting (in Swedish) (DOC, 101 kB)
  • Information about the respondent's contribution to the included work (must also be included in the thesis).
  • The CV's* of the faculty opponent, the examining committee members and the deputy member/s.
  • Popular science summary in Swedish (or English) (must also be included in the thesis).
  • The latest version of Individual study plan (ISP) and a statement of the final review. Information on the final review is found on the page "Study plans".

* The CV must comprise a maximum of two pages and contain the following: dissertation year, current academic title, current affiliation, supervisor experience  and any bibliometric overview.

A research programme director from the Research Programmes Board decides on the registration for a public defence.

The third cycle study subjects are divided into 5 review groups. Each group is led by a research programme director. The registration for a public defence is reviewed by the group and a decision is then made on delegation by the research programme director or co-reviewer.

Information about the Research Programmes Board (LTH's website)

Note that the Department of Chemistry is divided into 2 groups.

Review group 1

Research programme director: Maria Sandsten

Co-reviewer: Anders Gustafsson

Study directors:

  • Monica Almqvist, Department of Biomedical Technology
  • Michael Doggett, Department of Computer Science
  • Daniel Sjöberg, Department of Electrical and Information Technology
  • Carl Olsson, Centre of Mathematical Sciences
  • Pontus Giselsson, Department of Automatic Control

Review group 2

Research programme director: Anders Gustafsson

Co-reviewer: Åsa Håkansson

Study directors:

  • Göran Frank, Department of Physics
  • Jens Klingmann, Department of Energy Sciences
  • Jan-Eric Ståhl, Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences

Review group 3

Research programme director: Åsa Håkansson

Co-reviewer: Jens Wahlström

Study directors:

  • Damien Motte, Department of Design Sciences
  • Malin Lindstedt, Department of Immune Technology
  • Viveka Alfredsson, Department of Chemistry (Biotechnology, Technical Microbiology, Applied Biochemistry)

Review group 4

Research programme director: Jens Wahlström

Co-reviewer: Gudbjörg Erlingsdottir

Study directors:

  • Viveka Alfredsson, Department of Chemistry (Biophysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Polymer Technology)
  • Michael Cimbritz, Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Lars Nilsson, Department of Food Technology

Review group 5

Research programme director: Gudbjörg Erlingsdottir

Co-reviewer: Maria Sandsten

Study directors:

  • Anna Petersson, Department of Architecture and Built Environment
  • Magnus Larson, Department of Construction and Environmental Technology
  • Mathias Wallin, Department of Construction Sciences
  • Yuliya Voytenko, Palagan the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE)
  • André Månberger, Department of Technology and Society

Guidelines on the composition of examining committees, including conflict of interest

Information about competence requirements and conflicts of interest for the opponent and the grading committee during the public defence.

Public defence system - Manual

This manual describes how to book, register and how to implement a preliminary review of the public defence.

Public defence system - Manual (PDF, 594 kB, new tab)

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