Teaching Sustainability - a teacher-led grassroots initiative for course development
We are excited to invite you to the final presentations of projects in the Collegial project course: Teaching Sustainability for a Circular Built Environment.
In this course, 9 teachers of a wide variety of courses in the Civil Engineering (V) programme took the grassroot initiative to improve teaching of circularity and sustainability throughout the programme, both in individual courses and in collaboration. We will present 4 projects that have been/will very soon be implemented in existing courses, to share our experiences and learning, and to get your feedback. We hope to inspire more similar projects and collaborations!
So that we have enough coffee and fika for everyone, please register using the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/UrSMuN10Bf
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Jonas Niklewski, Ivar Björnsson, and Mirjam Glessmer
Om händelsen
2025-04-22 08:30
Pepparholm, Studiecentrum LTH, John Ericssons väg 4
jonas [dot] niklewski [at] kstr [dot] lth [dot] se