LTH AEROSOLS Seminar: Transmission electron microscopy: tools to characterize structure, composition and transformation of individual aerosol nanoparticles

Marin Ek Rosén from Centre for Analysis and Synthesis, Department of Chemistry, will give a presentation on his work about “Transmission electron microscopy: tools to characterize structure, composition and transformation of individual aerosol nanoparticles”. The talk will be followed by a visit to nCHREM, the high-resolution TEM infrastructure at Lund University and local node of ARTEMI, located at the Department of Chemistry.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) provides unique possibilities for characterizing aerosol nanoparticles as long as they can be deposited on a surface or dispersed in water. Size, morphology, structure and composition of nanoparticles can easily be imaged at nanometre resolution, or even on an atomic-column basis. This provides important information on heterogeneity within and between individual particles that complements ensamble average measurements. With Environmental TEM (ETEM) it is furthermore possible to observe transformation of the particles live as they are exposed to reactive gases and high temperatures.
In this talk, I will show recent examples of TEM characterization of soots undergoing oxidation[1,2] and particles[3] emitted from brake discs. In the latter case, the composition of the particles give important clues regarding their origin in different parts of the brake system. I will also discuss how you can get access and support for TEM characterization of your particles via the ARTEMI network (artemi.se), which provides a single entry point to all high-end facilities in Sweden.
The talk will conclude with a visit to nCHREM, the high-resolution TEM infrastructure at Lund University and local node of ARTEMI, located at the Department of Chemistry.
[1] F. Weiland et al., "Oxidation of carbon nanomaterials using a nanoparticulate iron oxide catalyst: Direct observations in an electron microscope",10.1016/j.carbon.2024.119896
[2] M. Mases et al., "The oxidation of carbon nanostructures imaged by electron microscopy: Comparison between in-situ TEM and TGA experiments",10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.160755
[3] Y. Lyu et al, "Tribology and airborne particle emissions from grey cast iron and WC reinforced laser cladded brake discs",10.1016/j.wear.2024.205512
The seminar starts at 13.15. Fika will be served at 14.00, after which there is a visit to the lab.
Om händelsen
2025-04-02 13:15
Room KC: Marie Curie, Kemicentrum
erik [dot] andersson [at] design [dot] lth [dot] se