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Public Defence

Rules for public defence at LTH

In the document below, LTH's Research Programmes board clarifies what is required for conducting a public defence.

Rules for public defences at LTH (PDF, 218 kB, new tab)

Public defence system - Manual

This manual describes how to book, register and how to implement a preliminary review of the public defence.

Public defence system - Manual (PDF, 594 kB, new tab)

The preparations for the public defence is a collaboration between the you and your supervisor. Before your public defence, you book the date and time for the public defence act. When this is done, it is usually your supervisor who books the room and who should report it in LTH's public defence system. See step-by-step below for a detailed description of the public defence process.

Step by step

Doctoral student:

  1. Book a date for public defence on LTH's website
  2. Contact on of Lund University's internal printing houses to schedule an appointment for printing


  1. Contact faculty opponent and members of the examining committee 
  2. Book premises for the public defence


Register the public defence on LTH's website and send a signed copy to: 

LTH Kansli
Public defence
Internal mailing (HS) code 55

Information on documents needed for the registration


Distribute the thesis for preliminary review to the examining committee, the faculty opponent and the deputy committee member.


Approve the preliminary review in the public defence system.

Doctoral student:

Submit the material for printing.

Doctoral student: 

  1. Submit 3 copies of the thesis (in its final form both in terms of content and execution) including title page ("spikblad") and popular science summary to the University library. Follow notification date in the system!
  2. Electronic posting in LUCRIS (login: LUCAT ID). Do not forget to enter the popular science summary which is mandatory at LTH.
  3. Submit 1 copy of the thesis (in its final form both in terms of content and execution) with title page and a receipt from the University library to LTH's reception at the Study Centre.


Distribute the thesis.

Doctoral student:

Apply for a diploma when all results have been submitted.

Supervisor/chair of the public defence:

As soon as possible, send the examining committee's minutes in original to:

LTH Kansli 
Hämtställe 55

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