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A licentiate can either be an independent education within the framework of external funding, such as an industrial doctoral student, or as part of a complete doctoral education. Third cycle studies that include or end with a licentiate degree may be arranged in all research study subjects at LTH.

A licentiate degree comprises 120 higher education credits, divided into a course part and a thesis part. How the points can be distributed between courses and thesis is stated in the general study plan for the specific subject.

The individual study plan must state whether the education is to lead to a licentiate degree, either as the final goal of the education or as a stage towards a doctoral degree. 

Licentiate thesis

The scientific thesis must comprise at least 60 higher education credits, but the scope can vary between different research study subjects and is stated in the general study plan. The thesis should be similar in design to a doctoral thesis, but is less comprehensive. The thesis can be a monograph or consist of separate articles with a summary (“kappa”).

Licentiate seminar

The licentiate thesis must be defended orally at a public seminar. The licentiate seminar may take place between 15 August and the Friday before midsummer, with the exception of the period between 22 December and 6 January. At the seminar, a chairman, an faculty opponent and an examiner must be appointed. It is the head of the department who appoints the examiner and faculty opponent as well as decides on the time and announcement of the licentiate seminar. These decisions may only be delegated to the director of studies for third cycle studies, but not to the individual who is the doctoral student's supervisor.


The opponent is appointed to review the thesis and discuss the scientific content with the licentiate / doctoral student during the seminar. The person who reviews the thesis must have a doctoral degree and may not be active at their own faculty or department, unless there are special reasons. If there are special reasons, the Dean at LTH can allow such deviation from the rules.


The licentiate thesis is graded by a teacher appointed by the head of department. The licentiate's / doctoral student's supervisor may not be appointed as an examiner. When grading, the examiner must take into account the content of the thesis and the defense of it at the seminar. The thesis must be assessed with one of the grades failed or passed. If the thesis is judged to have failed, this must be justified in writing.


The announcement must be made at least three weeks before the licentiate seminar. The announcement shall contain information about the student's name, research education subject, the title and scope of the thesis in higher education credits, examiner, opponent and time and place for the seminar. At the time of the announcement, the scientific thesis must be available so that it will be possible to review it at the seminar. Where the thesis is kept available is stated in the announcement.

Printing of the thesis

The department is responsible for the costs of printing the thesis. The licentiate / doctoral student has the right to receive 20 copies for their own use.

Certificate of approved licentiate thesis

After passing the seminar, the licentiate thesis is registered in Ladok by LTH office. In order for this to be possible, the form "Certificate of approved licentiate thesis" needs to be filled in and sent in the original to LTH's office, collection point 55.

The form is available on LTHin and is signed by the examiner and head of department.

Relevant documents

See "Guidelines for third-cycle education at LTH " on the page "My doctoral studies"

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