Current courses
All courses that are created in LTH's system for third cycle courses (FUD), and created in Ladok, are published below per semester.
For the current and future semesters, courses are entered in Ladok continuously and after they have been enetered in Ladok (with status complete), the course appears in the list.
Do you have questions about current courses?
Faculty wide PhD courses: contact CEE
Faculty wide courses offered by CEE
Courses at various departments: contact the department that provides the course
Faculty-wide PhD Courses (CEE)
Code | Name | Current occasions |
GEM002F |
Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (5.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given twice per term. |
2020-03-16 – 2020-04-27 2020-05-04 – 2020-06-11 |
GEM006F |
Communicating Science (5.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given once each term. |
2020-03-09 – 2020-05-27 |
GEM012F |
Project Management in Research and Development Projects (5.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-25 – 2020-05-27 |
GEM017F |
Project Management in Research and Development Projects, Specialisation (3.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-25 – 2020-05-27 |
GEM026F |
Technology, Risk and Research Ethics (4.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-02-05 – 2020-04-15 |
GEM056F |
Introductory Workshop for Newly Admitted PhD Students at Faculty of Engineering at Lund University (2.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given once each term. |
2020-05-12 – 2020-05-28 |
GEM065F |
Academic Writing for Publication in the Engineering and Science Disciplines (6.0 ECTS)
Application information: Information and application here Contact: Lene Nordrum The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-02-03 – 2020-04-28 2020-02-05 – 2020-04-28 |
GEM080F |
Experimental Methodology in Research (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given every other spring. |
2020-02-27 – 2020-06-01 |
Architecture and Built Environment
Code | Name | Current occasions |
AAA030F |
Tendencies in Architecture Research (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-27 – 2020-03-03 |
AAM001F |
A Review of Environmental Psychology (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given once each term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Automatic Control
Code | Name | Current occasions |
FRT016F |
Convex Optimization with Applications (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-06-30 – 2020-10-31 |
FRT130F |
Programming Languages and Concepts (7.5 ECTS)
Contact: Anton Cervin The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
FRT195F |
Autonomous Systems Part 1 (6.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
FRT230F |
Hands-on Machine Learning I (4.0 ECTS)
Contact: Bo Bernhardsson, Carolina Bergeling The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
FRT245F |
Hands-on Machine Learning II (3.0 ECTS)
Contact: Bo Bernhardsson, Carolina Bergeling The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
Real-Time Systems (10.0 ECTS)
Application information: Contakt Karl-Erik Årzén, Contact: Karl-Erik Årzén The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 2020-01-20 – 2020-06-30 |
Predictive Control (7.5 ECTS)
Application information: Contact Rolf Johansson, Contact: Rolf Johansson The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-30 |
Network Dynamics (7.5 ECTS)
Application information: Contact Giacomo Como, Contact: Giacomo Como The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Biomedical Engineering
Code | Name | Current occasions |
BME001F |
Advanced Academic Writing (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given once each term. |
2020-03-02 – 2020-04-03 |
Medicine for Engineers (6.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given every other spring. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
Biomedical Signal Processing (7.5 ECTS)
Application information: Apply by email to Course Coordinator Contact: Leif Sörnmo The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-07 |
Ultrasound Physics and Technology (7.5 ECTS)
Application information: Apply by email to Course Coordinator Contact: Maria Evertsson, Monica Almqvist The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-21 |
Power Electronics - Devices, Converters, Control and Applications (15.0 ECTS)
Contact: Mats Alaküla The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Code | Name | Current occasions |
FMA022F |
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
FMA131F |
Analytic Functions (6.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given once each term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
FMA145F |
Partial Differential Equations (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
FMA160F |
Riemannian Geometry (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given once each term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
FMA201F |
Calculus of Variations (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
FMA271F |
Computer Vision (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-22 |
FMA280F |
An Introduction to Set Theory (5.0 ECTS)
Application information: Contact the Student Office, Contact: Jörg Schmeling, Tomas Persson The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-02-11 – 2020-04-28 |
Mathematics - Systems and Transforms (7.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given once each term. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-07 |
Algebraic Structures (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-22 |
Algebraic Structures (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 2020-01-20 – 2020-03-22 |
Introduction to Machine Learning (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-07 |
Optimization (6.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given each autumn term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
FMN005F |
Computational Linear Algebra (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
FMN020F |
Iterative Solution of Large Scale Systems in Scientific Computing (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-07 |
Simulation Tools (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each autumn term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-22 |
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each autumn term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
Stationary and Non-stationary Spectral Analysis (7.5 ECTS)
Contact: Andreas Jakobsson, Maria Sandsten The course is usually given every other spring. |
2020-02-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Topology (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-07 |
Topology (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
Integration Theory (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-22 |
Specialised Course on Integration Theory (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-07 |
Computer Science (LTH)
Code | Name | Current occasions |
EDA060F |
Design Science in Software Engineering (6.0 ECTS)
Contact: Emelie Engström, Per Runeson The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-02-03 – 2020-04-11 |
EDA065F |
Learning Theory and Reinforcement Learning (6.0 ECTS)
Application information: e-mail to course responsible Contact: Elin A. Topp The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Programming - Second Course (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
C++ - Programming (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each autumn term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Applied Artificial Intelligence (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given once each term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Functional Programming (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Compilers (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each autumn term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Department of Chemistry
Code | Name | Current occasions |
KAS001F |
Environmental Issues and Hazards in the Chemical Research Laboratory (2.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
KAS020F |
Frontiers in Organic Synthesis (7.5 ECTS)
Application information: Email to course coordinator Contact: Ulf Nilsson, Kenneth Wärnmark The course is usually given every other spring. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Magnetic Resonance - Spectroscopy and Imaging (7.5 ECTS)
Application information: Please contact course coordinator Mikael Akke Further information: The course is identical to KFKN01 (LTH) and KEMM17 (faculty of Science) but can be adjusted slightly to the demands of the students. The course provides the fundamental theoretic and experimental aspects of NMR and MR imaging and gives the opportunity for deeper insight into a topic chosen by the student. Contact: Mikael Akke, Daniel Topgaard The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
KOK002F |
Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry (15.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Department of Design Sciences
Code | Name | Current occasions |
IDE020F |
Introduction to PhD studies at the Department of Design Sciences (4.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
IDE035F |
The Designer/Engineer and Sustainable Development (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
IDE040F |
Business Models and Business Model Innovation (7.5 ECTS)
Application information: The course will be given in intensive format, i.e, three meetings: 10-11 March, 21-22 April, 14-15 May 2020. Starting at 10 am and finishing at 4 pm second day. Attendance at all three meetings is necessary. Apply by e-mail to: Contact: Lars Bengtsson, Per Runeson The course is usually given every other spring. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
INT001F |
Innovation and Value Creation in Research (4.0 ECTS)
Contact: Jessica Wadin, Anders Warell The course is usually given every other spring. |
2020-03-20 – 2020-06-30 |
MAM010F |
Reading Course in Aerosol Science (7.5 ECTS)
Application information: Contact: Contact: Jakob Löndahl The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
MAM025F |
Seminar Course in Aerosol Technology (5.0 ECTS)
Application information: Contact: Contact: Jakob Löndahl The course is usually given once each term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
MAM030F |
Nanosafety (5.0 ECTS)
Contact: Christina Isaxon The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
MAM242F |
Aerosol Technology (7.5 ECTS)
Application information: Request for registration, signed by the PhD student's supervisor, should be sent to the course coordinator ("kursansvarig") by e-mail or by ordinary mail. Contact: Christina Isaxon The course is usually given once each term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Human in Extreme Environments (7.5 ECTS)
Contact: Chuansi Gao The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Department of Physics
Code | Name | Current occasions |
FAF020F |
LLC-course: Probing Matter with Light (5.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-03-18 – 2020-06-30 |
Light - Matter Interaction (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-22 |
Advanced Optics and Lasers (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-22 – 2020-06-07 |
Crystal Growth and Semiconductor Epitaxy (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-20 |
FBR001F |
Fundamental Combustion (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-07 |
FBR002F |
Laser-Based Combustion Diagnostics (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given once each term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-22 |
Experimental Biophysics (15.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Optoelectronics and Optical Communication (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-22 |
FKF035F |
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-20 – 2020-06-07 |
FKF070F |
Modern Subatomic Physics (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-07 |
FKF100F |
Methods for Environmental Monitoring (7.5 ECTS)
Application information: Contact course responsible: Adam Kristensson: Contact: Adam Kristensson The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
Applied Nuclear, Neutron and Reactor Physics (7.5 ECTS)
Application information: Contact course responsible: Jan Pallon:; Kevin Fissum:; Mikael Elfman, Contact: Jan Pallon, Kevin Fissum The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-22 |
Chaos (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-07 |
Department of Process and Life Science Engineering
Code | Name | Current occasions |
KBT001F |
Enzyme Kinetics (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
KET090F |
Research Ethics in Practice (4.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
KET125F |
Adsorption (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Process Simulation (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
KMB010F |
Advanced Microbial Physiology (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each autumn term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-12-31 |
Advanced Wastewater Treatment (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07 |
Dept of Building and Environmental Techn
Code | Name | Current occasions |
VVR050F |
Advanced Hydraulics (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given every other spring. |
2020-02-03 – 2020-05-29 |
VVR070F |
Sustainable Cities and Communities (7.5 ECTS)
Contact: Magnus Persson The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-02-14 – 2020-06-30 |
Electrical and Information Technology
Code | Name | Current occasions |
EIT145F |
Fundamentals of Information Theory (7.5 ECTS)
Contact: Michael Lentmaier The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-30 |
EIT150F |
Fundamentals of Information Theory - Project (1.5 ECTS)
Contact: Michael Lentmaier The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-30 |
EIT180F |
Nanoelectronic Device Processing (15.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-04-01 – 2020-05-20 |
Information Theory (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-30 |
Electrodynamics (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-03-23 – 2020-06-07 |
Radar and Remote Sensing (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-22 |
Nanoelectronics (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-22 |
Energy Sciences
Code | Name | Current occasions |
MMV031F |
Heat Transfer (7.5 ECTS)
Contact: Martin Andersson The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Numerical Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (7.5 ECTS)
Contact: Hesameddin Fatehi The course is usually given each spring term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
MVK035F |
Advanced Theory of Turbomachinery (7.5 ECTS)
Contact: Marcus Thern The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
MVK045F |
Turbulent Combustion (7.5 ECTS)
Contact: Xue-Song Bai The course is usually given every other spring. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
Code | Name | Current occasions |
KIM055F |
Immunology (15.0 ECTS)
The course is usually given on demand. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |
International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics
Code | Name | Current occasions |
MIM010F |
Governance and Approaches for Low-Carbon and Resource Efficient Economies (LCREE) (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given every other spring. |
2020-01-20 – 2020-03-22 |
Mechanical Engineering Sciences
Code | Name | Current occasions |
Nano Mechanics and Multiscale Modelling (7.5 ECTS)
The course is usually given once each term. |
2020-01-01 – 2020-06-30 |