Salary and other conditions

All doctoral students at LTH have the right to supervision, resources at their department and good study conditions. This applies regardless of whether you are employed as a doctoral student at LTH, are an industrial doctoral student or if your doctoral education is funded by a scholarship. However, the working conditions differ depending on what financing you have, more about this below.
Doctoral student employed at LTH
You are employed as a doctoral student at LTH, receive your salary and your employment benefits via LTH and Lund University.
There is a specific salary scale applicable to doctoral students.
Newly employed doctoral students will normally be placed on the initial salary set by LTH. Doctoral students will then receive a salary rise after completing each stage of their postgraduate studies in accordance with the salary scale established by LTH. The total salary increase for completing all stages is currently SEK 2,800. In addition to this, doctoral students will receive a standard raise which is set in conjunction with each salary review.
Salary stages at LTH
60 higher education credits – SEK 1,100
120 higher education credits – SEK 1,100
180 higher education credits – SEK 600
On completing doctoral studies – SEK 1,500 (paid at the end of the month following graduation)
It is your principal supervisor together with the head of department who assesses how many higher education credits you have achieved. It is appropriate to review this at the annual updating of your individual study plan.
Once you have been notified that you have completed a stage, complete the form below and obtain the signatures of your principal supervisor and head of department. The form is then the basis for registering your level of competence and salary increase. Registration is completed by an administrator in the Faculty Office.
Form for raising doctoral salary in line with completed stage of studies (in Swedish) (HR-web LU)
Look for the heading Etapplyft för doktorander. The form is available in both Swedish and English.
If you want to see your pay slip, apply for vacation or other matters concerning your employment, log in to the personnel system Primula and go to "My page”
Statens Servicecenter (SSC)
The National Government Service Centre (Statens servicecenter, SSC) deals with all payroll and salary payments for Lund University. Read more about when to contact SSC, on LTHin.
Read more about annual leave, leave of absence and sick leave on LTHin.
Annual leave, leave of absence and sick leave (LTHin, log in required)
Gym membership reimbursement, the health promotion hour, debit cards and partial reimbursement of healthcare and medication costs: find out more about the benefits to which you are entitled as an employee at Lund University.
On Lund University staff pages, there are various contacts to get union support.
Industrial doctoral student
As an industrial doctoral student, you are employed by a company, another university or authority and are at the same time admitted to third cycle programme at LTH.
You have the same rights as other admitted doctoral students at LTH regarding your doctoral education. You are also insured during your stay in LTH's premises Conditions between LTH and your employer (such as responsabilities and ownership of results) are regulated in an agreement. Terms of employment and salary are regulated by your employer.
External scholarship holders
At LTH, there are also doctoral students who are funded through certain external scholarships.
If your doctoral studies are financed with a scholarship, you have the same rights as other admitted doctoral students at LTH regarding your doctoral education. However, you are not employed at LU / LTH and are not entitled to benefits such as pension, parental benefit supplement, compensation for medicines et cetera.
As a scholarship holder, you have insurance via Kammarkollegiet which is to cover loss of income during illness or parental leave as well as an occupational injury insurance (in the event of an injury during working hours and on the way to or from work).
Through your admission as a doctoral student, you also have the right to receive support and help from Lund University's occupational health care for work-related ill health.
Health and parental insurance for doctoral students with stipends (Kammarkollegiet's website)