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Get inspired by this year’s Honorary Doctors in science and technology!

Collage of all four Honorary Doctors.
Top row, from left: Semmy Rülf and Sabeth Verpoorte. Bottom row, from left: Caroline Slomp and Margaret-Anne Storey.
From: 2025-05-22 09:30 to 11:30 Seminarium

Welcome to the 2025 Honorary Doctorate Seminar – an opportunity to be inspired by leading researchers and new thought-provoking perspectives!

This year’s programme offers a diverse mix of topics: dive into the life of a marine scientist, explore what drives scientific curiosity, and learn how generative AI is transforming the future of software development. You’ll also gain insights into the world of entrepreneurship – from leadership in start-ups to strategies for growing successful companies.

The seminar is open to all and provides a chance to meet this year’s honorary doctors from the Faculty of Science and LTH. They will share their experiences, reflect on their career paths, and talk about what the honorary title means to them.

Honorary Doctors 2025
The stage will be shared by one honorary doctor from the Faculty of Science (N) and three from LTH:

  • Caroline Slomp, Professor of Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry at the Radboud Institute for Biological and Environmental Sciences, and Professor of Marine Biogeochemistry at Utrecht University (N)
    Title: Life as a Marine Scientist – A Journey of Discovery.
  • Sabeth Verpoorte, Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Groningen (LTH)
    Title: Why I Like Science.
    *Sabeth Verpoorte was appointed honorary doctor in 2024 but was unfortunately unable to attend. She will therefore participate in this year's seminar.
  • Margaret-Anne Storey, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Victoria (LTH)
    Title: Generative AI and the Future of Software Work.
  • Semmy Rülf, entrepreneur and board professional with a background in engineering and life sciences (LTH)
    Title: Leadership in Start-ups and Growth Companies.

Programme & Practical Details
Date: 22 May 2025
Time: 09:30–11:30 am.
Location: Stora Hörsalen, IKDC, Formstråket 9, Lund
Please note that the seminar will be held in English.

Please register by 18 May. Coffee and light refreshments will be served at 10:20 am.
Register here.

Warm welcome!

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Andrea Nord (LTH): 

Om händelsen
From: 2025-05-22 09:30 to 11:30

IKDC, Stora Hörsalen, Formstråket 9, Lund

andrea [dot] nord [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se