Funding for interdisciplinary research: How? Where? When? With Whom?

Pufendorf IAS has invited Kerstin Gidlöf, Sara Naurin and John Phillips from Lund University Research Services to an informal, interactive, information meeting!
Finding funding for cross and interdisciplinary research projects remains challenging. Even if many research funding bodies acknowledge the importance of funding this type of research, their evaluation processes can be unprepared to handle the unique challenges of properly assessing these applications. Applications must often both demonstrate scientific excellence and sound project planning, while at the same remaining accessible and thorough enough to convince evaluators from wildly divergent disciplines.
So how does one propose cross- and interdisciplinary research for evaluation? What are the common pitfalls and how does one avoid them? And what opportunities are available for researchers in Sweden to fund this type of research?
We will provide a really nice "fika" and also meet researchers who have landed funding for interdisciplinary research projects and listen to their stories.
Seats are limited, please register asap, but no later than 20 May: Link to registration form 2 June
Om händelsen
2025-06-02 13:00
Pufendorfinstitutet, Biskopsgatan 3 i Lund
Asa [dot] Thormahlen [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se